Reason : He wants to gain height but not got significant growth. The child used to see TV and attracted by the advt on Complan. The advt shows that the child taking this drink will grow faster than others. This poor child asked his mother to get the drink from local market and he was taking it daily for the past one month. Regularly every day he used to stand near the wall and mark his height. He also used to tie his hand with duppatta and hand himself from the fan so that he thought he will gain height faster. All these activities were known to the family but the poor mother did not tell and made the kid to understand it can not happen all of sudden in real life. On Friday evening the boy came from school as usual and started measuring his height and after seeing that he did not gain any height, he hanged himself.
We should not take any little chance with young children and should be very careful in all aspect. Most interaction may help in arresting such mis happening.