Tuesday, July 12, 2016


Recently I traveled to South India and carried a phone which is having National Roaming facility of a big operator in India who claims they are having network in every nook and corner.

I traveled about 250 KM south of Chennai and the network started going off very frequently and I could not make or receive calls as well could not use data service.  I tried to latch myself with some other operator’s network but was not allowed !!

When I got signal, I called Customer Care of that operator and tried to lodge a complaint.  To my first surprise, the CC executive asked a question, how I speak to him if I face a network issue? A though provoking question.  It took 5 min for me to make him understand the issue I am facing frequently.  A ticket was opened and I was informed it will take 72 hours to resolve my issue… 2 days passed with the same network issue and I returned back to Chennai without any solution.

As promised by CC, I received a call from the technical team of the operator after 72 hours without fail. He asked me about the issue and again I explained him the same. To my second surprise, the technical EXPERT asked me to switch off and switch on the mobile to check the availability of signal !!! Also he suggested checking whether I turned on the mobile data on Roaming or not. (I can’t understand if it is OFF how I will get data service and it will go off frequently and come again on its own)

When I informed that I came back to Chennai, to my third surprise, he asked me to go back to the location where I had the problem for him to check !!! What an EXPERT people are employed ? I told him that I was about 250 KM away and it will take about 6 to 7 hours for me to reach that place, he coolly asked me to go and book a compliant again if there is issue so that he will call me back after 72 hours!!!!

When I informed it is not possible for me to go there again, he told that my complaint cannot be attended and going to close it.

Along with booking the complaint with CC, I sent a mail also to that CC centre and as a response I got a mail after 6 days.  To my next surprise, the reply was not related to my compliant but a reply to a billing compliant of some other customer.

When I pointed out this in reply mail, quickly next day I got a reply that EVERY thing is OK from their side and network issue is only because of my faulty handset !!!

As not able to digest more and more surprises and EXPERT analysis, I stopped communicating with them. They made me not to talk to them again.

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